OpenMRS Reference Application 2.9.0 released!

It’s a moment of joy for the OpenMRS community as we announce the OpenMRS Reference Application 2.9.0 release. It’s built on the OpenMRS Platform version 2.1.3 and includes updates and bug fixes to 22 modules as well as the addition of the new Attachments module. With this release, we also bid farewell to the logic module, which as been deprecated and will no longer be included in future Reference Application releases.

Please see the release notes for more information. As always, if you find any bugs, feel free to report them in our ticket tracking system.

You may download this release using this link.

Reference Application 2.9.0 has been a great community effort. Mark Goodrich, Daniel Kayiwa, Stephen Musoke, Dimitri Renault, Mike Seaton, and Suthagar Kailayapathy were among those leading the way. And this release would have never been a success without those in the community who found and fixed bugs in the various modules. I would also like to thank Cintia Del Rio and Rafal Korytkowski for their efforts in ensuring that all our servers were up and running.  Lastly, I also sincerely thank Jennifer and Cynthia for looking over this release and requesting updates at regular intervals so as to ensure the project moved forward.

Please join me in congratulating and raising a toast to all the developers, testers and the contributors for their amazing efforts in making this release possible. Kindly accept my sincere appreciation and maintain the same spirit as we save more lives!!!

Reuben Varghese

Release Manager

OpenMRS Reference Application 2.9.0 released!

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