It’s a moment of happiness for the OpenMRS community as we announce the OpenMRS Reference Application 2.11.0 release.
It’s built on the OpenMRS Platform version 2.3.2 and includes updates and bug fixes of over 40 modules, unfortunately or fortunately we didn’t bundle spa module which was considered a hot cake at the beginning.
Please see the release notes for more information. As always, if you find any bugs, feel free to report to our ticket tracking system .
You may download this release using Refapp 2.11 link from the source forge
With this release,
We Removed covid-19 concepts packages 1 from reference metadata module for reference application and separated them in its own specific covid-19 module and here 1
We didn’t bundle single Page Application module since Micro Frontends is the next future generation of reference Application checkout the wiki 1
Reference Application 2.11.0 have been a great community efforts. In a special way would want to thank @dkayiwa @mozzy @k.joseph @ibacher @grace @mksd @mogoodrich @mseaton @tendomart @gcliff @herbert24 @jwnasambu @ruhanga, and many others, for their tireless effort in achieving this release. It wouldn’t have been successful without their efforts.

Special thanks to @cintiadr for her tireless efforts and ensuring that our servers and infrastructure as whole was stable and up to date and also sincere thanks go to @jennifer for the leadership roles and requesting updates at regular intervals so as to ensure that the project moved forward.
Special thanks to @grace and @dkayiwa for their great contribution in reviewing, updating, and documenting most of the wiki pages and leading in calls
Please join me in congratulating and raising a toast to all the developers, testers and the contributors for their amazing efforts in making this release possible. Kindly accept my sincere appreciation and maintain the same spirit as we save more lives!!!
Kind Regards
Sharif Magembe
Release Manager RefApp 2.11.0