Time has come again when we feel humbled to announce the release of Add-On Manager OWA version 1.00. The Add-on manager is an Open Web App that is curated for the management of Add-ons and Modules of the OpenMRS platform. The OWA is developed and maintained by Andela Apprentices with a team of solid contributors who have worked through the release of the first and the second beta versions and now the final release. The Add-On manager was developed using front-end tech stack exclusively, which means there is no server side code in it. It uses React and REST.
The project uses npm for package management, bower for dependency management and webpack for building. We also employed travis-ci for testing and deployed the final release to bintray.com. Coveralls was also used for test coverage monitoring of the project.
The Add-on manager can be used to perform the following functionalities:
- Install OWA’s and platform Modules,
- Upgrade OWA’s and platform Modules
- Viewing Add-On and Module Interfaces
- Stop and start OWA’s and modules running on the OpenMRS platform.
- Delete Add-Ons and Modules
- Check for Add-On and Module Updates
- Start all Add-Ons and Modules if they are not running
For one to use the application they need to have Open Web Application module from version 1.9.0 and rest web services module from version 2.22.0. While the focus was made to create a great tool to manage the installation and management of Open Web Applications, the tool also serves to be of great documentation on how the users should be able to use the application.
The documentation on how to use the tool is embedded in the app. Just click on the support button in the top right corner of the homepage and then navigate to help guide to find usage guidelines.
Below are some of the functionalities that the Add-On manager can be able to perform:
Installing Add-on/ Modules
Upgrading Add-on/Module
Viewing Add-On/Module Interfaces
After clicking the view button above, One should be able to see the running state of the Add-On. the Add-On can either be in running state or in a stopped state. On running state the icon on the status should be green while on stopped state the icon on the state should be red as shown below.
Running Icon
Stopped Icon
Delete an Add-On/Module
The user can be able to remove an add-on by clicking the delete button shown above. Caution should, however, be taken as deleting a module that is depended by other services will cause the other dependent modules to stop working.
Check For Updates
Using the Add-On Manager, the users can be able to check for updates of the add-ons/modules that they have already installed on their system and confirm whether they need upgrades. This is made possible to check for updates of modules by use of a button as shown below.
Start All Modules
Using the button beside the check for updates the user of the Add-On can be able to start all the add-ons in the system that are in the stopped state.
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Building the platform has taken teamwork, dedication and the contribution of Andela developers who have seen the OWA come to life.