
Let's get started

OpenMRS is a completely free open source, community driven software with no hidden costs. How you host and support your implementation is up to you!

Download Options

341.2 MB at · Released 17-December-2021
Linux, Mac OS X, Windows · Release Notes

Recommended for new people exploring OpenMRS. A self-contained ZIP archive that includes an embedded database and application server, as well the option to install demo data for sample patients. Expand the ZIP archive and run the .jar file to start the Reference Application. Log in with username: admin, password: Admin123.

This is not intended for production use.

Download Standalone

Released 17-December-2021
Linux, Mac OS X, Windows · Release Notes

For production use of the Reference Application, you must install an OpenMRS Platform WAR, which requires an existing Java servlet container such as Apache Tomcat, and an existing database such as MySQL. Download these individual components here:

Download Platform 2.4.3 WAR

Download Reference Application

397.7 MB at · Released 23rd December 2021
Multi-platform Java webapp · Release Notes

Recommended for people exploring the latest stable version of Platform. A self-contained ZIP archive that includes an embedded database and application server, as well the option to install demo data for 5,000 sample patients. Expand the ZIP archive and run the .jar file to start OpenMRS.  Log in with username: admin, password: test.

This is not intended for production use.


128.9 MB at · Released 23rd December 2021
Multi-platform Java webapp · Release Notes

Recommended for advanced users using Reference Application 2.x or Platform in production. Requires an existing Java servlet container such as Apache Tomcat, and an existing database such as MySQL. Separate demo data is available for download below.



From time to time, the OpenMRS community makes pre-releases (alpha and beta versions) of OpenMRS software available for testing before a new version is released. Visit our Prereleases page on the OpenMRS Wiki to learn more and download.

Nightly Releases

Designed for developers or other technical experts. These .WAR files, meant to be used with a servlet container such as Apache Tomcat, are built every night automatically off of the latest code in our openmrs-core git repository. If the database schema has changed, you will need to “source” the update-to-latest.sql file on your database.

Note: The files are only built if there was a commit to GitHub within the past 24 hours. The build/revision number can be seen at the end of the API’s JAR version number.

Download nightly releases at or visit the OpenMRS Wiki for more information.

Older Releases

Past releases of OpenMRS (including unsupported releases) are available for download at Release Notes from previous releases are available on the OpenMRS Wiki.

Not sure where to start? We'll help you pick what's right for you.

1. Decide what you need

What are you looking for?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Reference Application

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

2. Expand your functionality

Demo Data

A sample anonymized data set, including 5,000 patients and 500,000 observations, is available to download for current OpenMRS Platform versions and import into your existing database.

Add-On Modules

The OpenMRS community has created a wide variety of add-on functionality for OpenMRS. Visit our Modules Directory to learn more and download modules.

3. Need help?

Peer Support

Find support from the OpenMRS Community through our online forum - OpenMRS Talk

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Source Code

You can browse our source code on GitHub, or clone a repository and browse it locally.


OpenMRS is licensed under Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0

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