Reference Application

Reference Application 2.12.1 Released

We are happy to announce the release of Reference Application 2.12.1, the latest maintenance release of the 2.12.x version of the Reference Application. The primary purpose of this update is to take advantage of the 2.4.2 release of the platform. Critical This release updates the version of Log4J2 to address CVE-2021-44228. This is a critical

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Reference Application 2.12.0 Released

Today we announce the OpenMRS Reference Application 2.12.0 release! It’s built on the OpenMRS Platform version 2.4.0 and includes updates and different bug fixes. It also includes, the SPA module, to allow implementers to begin to play with integrating the 3.x framework into their existing OpenMRS installs. Please see the Release Notes for more information.

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