Help Test OpenMRS

Do you enjoy testing applications? Are you detail-oriented?
Our Community Manual Testing team is looking for people like you!

We are looking for people to help us regularly review the OpenMRS Electronic Medical Record to explore the application and check for bugs!

Getting started is easy, and we have guides for you to learn and sharpen your QA (Quality Assurance) skills!

How to Join the Community Manual Testing Team: 

  • The Best Part: Start playing with the application! Go to and use u:admin  p:Admin123
  • When you’re ready to start logging bugs:
  • (Coming Soon) Explore our Testing Guidelines. These have starting cases for you to try testing, as well as guidance you can follow to grow your Quality Assurance thinking.
  • (Details Coming Soon) How to join the team in scheduled pre-release testingWe try to release the OpenMRS EMR every 1-2 months, with a dedicated week of manual checks in our test environment before the release. 
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